I am trying to decide what concept and prototype to go for .
The idea for my gap is a holder / container for beauty cotton pads (the thin round ones )
One of the main concerns (what we , the designers like to call user needs :-))) , is that a user should be able to take out a single cotton pad with just one hand. Please keep that in mind when voting.
Thank you

    These answers would help me decide which concept to go for

    Concept 1
    A horizontal container, where the cotton pads are loaded and taken out from the front. A moveable round part with a handle is used to push cotton pads forward.
    Would be attached to a wall horizontally

    Concept 2
    A holding device that allows to keep the cotton pads in their original packaging. The package then is hanging on the wall vertically.
    The user takes out cotton pads from the bottom of the original packaging

    Concept 3
    A cup holder, with a closing top, that due to its shape lets the user put in a hand deep enough to reach cotton pads even on the bottom of the holder.
    Would be attached to a wall vertically

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    November 2013

