From now on I will concentrate on this one concept. 
My gap is a container for round cotton pads that can dispose the pads with the use of a single hand.
The prototypes I have worked on in the week 4 have all been dismissed and I am now coming back to my original design.
This container will be attached to a wall and will consist of two parts: 1. the main holding part and 2. the moving part that will keep the cotton pads closer to the opening.
Along the way, I will have to decide whether the opening (the rail) for the moving part is more user-friendly on the bottom of the container or on the top.

The primary needs for my container are: 
(1) it can be used by one hand
(2) it is not attached in a permanent way
(4) it is sturdy (both in design and material)
(5) it is pleasing on the eye
(6) it is not expensive 

My decision process:

I have used an online survey to narrow down my concepts. The survey can be found below.

The unanimous choice was my concept number 1, the horizontal holder.

However, the survey has also resulted in a few confusions, such as :
(1) A lot of people in answering the rest of my questions , have voted for a container that is vertical (and yet have voted for a design that is horizontal). It is possible to change my concept slightly so that the whole thing hangs vertically, however I have initially arrived at the problem that later lead to me identifying my gap because I had in my possession a vertical cotton pads holder. It had various problems that I am hoping to take into account when creating my own holder, and a lot of problems were born out of the vertical positioning.
(2) A lot of people also have answered that they do not want anything hanging on their bathroom walls. This would be a big problem for a product like my holder that is basically relying on people hanging it on bathroom walls.
However, I believe that this response in my survey came from people not wanting to drill holes in their walls (for various reasons, such as renting their apartment and not being allowed to put up permanent fixtures) If my guess is correct then this problem is addressed through the use of suction cups in my holder's wall attachments, making it less permanent and more movable.

Overall, I believe that the survey still points at the cotton pad holder that I had come up with in the very first week of this course (see the diagram above and week 1), and therefore this will be the design I will pursue in weeks to come

I am trying to decide what concept and prototype to go for .
The idea for my gap is a holder / container for beauty cotton pads (the thin round ones )
One of the main concerns (what we , the designers like to call user needs :-))) , is that a user should be able to take out a single cotton pad with just one hand. Please keep that in mind when voting.
Thank you

    These answers would help me decide which concept to go for

    Concept 1
    A horizontal container, where the cotton pads are loaded and taken out from the front. A moveable round part with a handle is used to push cotton pads forward.
    Would be attached to a wall horizontally

    Concept 2
    A holding device that allows to keep the cotton pads in their original packaging. The package then is hanging on the wall vertically.
    The user takes out cotton pads from the bottom of the original packaging

    Concept 3
    A cup holder, with a closing top, that due to its shape lets the user put in a hand deep enough to reach cotton pads even on the bottom of the holder.
    Would be attached to a wall vertically


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

