Just to remind the reader, these are the 10 concepts that I came up with last week (go to week 3 for the actual designs)
A. Wheel With an Opening
B. Horisontal Container with Top Opening
C. Horisontal Container with Bottom Opening
D. Horisontal Container Spring Loaded
E. Vertical Double Container 
F. Peg Holding
G. Vertical Container
H. Wheel with Four Sections
I. Soft Vertical Container
J. Vertical Container with Sliding Door
Based on my design matrix above, I have to go with the concepts A , F , H , I . The concept C has already been made by me in the week 1 and therefore will not be included this week.
To narrow down the number of concepts for this week, I looked at the design of the "chosen 4 " and have came to a conclusion that prototypes A and H are very similar (as you can see in week 3 assignment, they are both round containers) and therefore the final 3 prototypes that I will concentrate on for this week are:
Concepts A, F, I.  

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

